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Fees & Disbursements


The fees for notarial matters at Sikorska Notary are fixed to give you transparency and peace of mind.

I charge a minimum fee of £75 for notarisation of a simple document such as passport, certificate or one page letter.

Any notarial services that are more complex will incur a higher fee. An individual fixed fee quote will be provided before we commence any notarial work.

If it is not possible to quote a fixed fee, I will provide you with the fee structure, applying an hourly rate of £240, and further provide you with a proper estimate of the fee based on the information that you have provided at that time.

No VAT applies to my fees.

Payment can be made in pound sterling only by cash or bank transfer.


I will inform you in advance if I have to make any additional payments in your matter. You are responsible for any disbursements made on your behalf such as:


Occasionally unforeseen or unusual issues arise during the course of the matter which may result in a revision of my fee, for example if further documents need to be notarised, or if translation or legalisation became required.

If you would like to obtain a full and comprehensive fee quote in your matter, please email ps@sikorskanotary.co.uk.